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Ground Mount Solar

Ground-mounted solar systems offer a significant opportunity for businesses to enhance their operations by harnessing clean and emission-free energy. These systems involve the installation of solar panels on the ground of a property, secured by metal framing at an optimal fixed angle that maximizes sun exposure. With the ability to be installed in various locations on a commercial property, provided there is ample open space and good sun exposure, ground-mounted solar panels have minimal impact on the environment. These panels can be positioned a few inches to a few feet above the ground, depending on the specific racking system design.

By leveraging ground-mounted solar panels, businesses can benefit from a reliable and clean source of power wherever there is sunlight and available ground space. This applies to organizations of all sizes, including commercial and industrial entities, who can capitalize on the numerous advantages of integrating ground mount solar power into their property.

At BlackRidge Energy, we possess extensive experience in design-building and commissioning both behind the meter systems for commercial and industrial clients, as well as grid-connected ahead of the meter systems for utility service and support.

A Wide Range of Products Tailored to Your Solar Needs

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